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Adding Yelp, Zillow, or any other website to your account

In order to send review requests, you need to add at least 1 account.

From your Settings page, click the BROWSE button to connect or add an account.

Find the account you want to connect or add from the popover. Scroll to see more options.

Select one of the options, for example Yelp. Click the "ADD" button to add Yelp as an option.

When prompted, add the URL of your Yelp profile.

Click "Add Link" to add it to your list of review profiles where customers can leave a review on.

You can repeat this for any of the other pre-defined websites from the list of options.

Adding a Custom Link:

To add a custom link to any website, click on the "Custom Link" option at the very top of the list.

When prompted, add a Title and a Link/URL to the website where you want your customers to leave a review.

The Title will be visible to your customers.

Click "Add Link" to add it to your list of review profiles where customers can leave a review on.