Segment Customers Through Reactions

Make it easy for customers to find your review links, provide feedback or contact you.

Choose a segmenting emoji

Using different emojis will make it fun for your customers to respond to your review requests.

Customize with your brand color

Each business is unique. Keep things consistent by choosing your brand color.

Make it easier for customers to find your review websites

You can ask your customers to leave reviews on Google, Facebook, or any other website.

Get direct feedback from your customers

To improve your business, make it easy for customers to provide feedback.

Keep track of your requests

Receive detailed status updates whenever customers interact with your requests. Identify positive or negative experiences, survey submissions, and direct feedback.

See how it works!

Get an overview of how TrueReview works and how you can use it to get more reviews for your business.

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Improve your online reputation

Start sending Reactions based review requests and improve customer relationships.

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